What is Bowen therapy

Bowen therapy is an Australian body work modality, founded by Mr Tom Bowen in the 1950’s. It involves small gentle moves, on muscles, tendons and fascia, which initiates changes in the bodies connective tissue memory. Which means that the body heals itself with a little prompting. Our bodies do not like to be forced into position, and this is why people who have chiropractic work, often find themselves returning for regular visits. Bowen therapy offers a permanent solution to many issues. A six week treatment protocol, where you visit once weekly for six weeks, is usually sufficient to make permanent changes for many people. Bowen therapy can be performed over clothing, so there is no need to undress for treatments. Because it is so gentle, it can be safely used on neonates through to the elderly, with no ill effects.

What can Bowen Therapy Treat?

Back pain



Carpal Tunnel

Digestive disorders


Musculoskeletal pain

Pelvic misalighnment

TMJ/ Jaw misalignment